"I don't have friends, only clients." -Woody Allen

Chris Garges

Actor's Playhouse - Actor's Theatre of Charlotte - Actual Proof -
Scott Ainslie - John Alexander - Woody Allen - Eric "Roscoe" Ambel -
Don Ambory - Sy Arden -Nicole Atkins - A Town Called Robot - Attack Records - Bill Averbach -Jeff Babko -Backline Pro - Christine Baniewicz -
Barn Hill Station -The Barnettes - Martha Bartz - Arlene Batson - Dawn Batson - Rick Bean - Rayen Belchere - Nita Belk - Bellyfull - The Belmont Playboys - Mark Berry - Big Bang Theory - Big Octave -David Black -
Black, White, and Blind -David Blake -Shana Blake - The Blind Dates -
Blue Flame Horizon -Diedra Booher -Joe Boyland -Brass Act - Ron Brendle - Bridge - Chuck Brimer - Jim Brock - Brother Sean - Brown Penny Productions - Chuck Brown -Brown Hornet -Bruise -Brendan Buckley - Bunky Moon -
Kofi Burbridge -Oteil Burbridge - Josh Burgess - Doug Burns - Todd Busch - Buschovski - Deanna Lynn Campbell - Aaron Carlson & The Medics -
Carolina Voices -Kim Carper - Seth Carper - Kirsten Carrell- Ed Cash -
Leo Casino - David Childers & The Modern Don Juans - Adam Chalk - Ashley Chambliss - Charity Case - Charlotte Country Day School -
Charlotte Contemporary Ensemble - Charlotte Jazz Orchestra -
Charlotte Philharmonic Orchestra - Charlotte Symphony Youth Orchestra - Children's Theatre of Charlotte - Chocha Loca - Beth Chorneau -
Church Of The Beloved - Michael Cline - John Coffey - Tenya Colemon -
Compact Broadway
- Tom Constanten - Contagious Blues Band - David L. Cook - Cottonmouth - CPCC Community Concert Band - Ian Cunniff - Dennis Currier - Josh Daniel - Dark Horse - Day By The River - Don Dixon - Gabe Dixon -
Lindy Dobbins & The Red Velvet Manx - Doubting Thomas - Brian Doyle -
Seymour Duncan
- John Dungan - John Dupree - Mitch Easter - Kai Eckhardt - Calvin Edwards - Stephen Engler - Bob Enos - Stacey Ericsson -
Ethos Consortium - Justin Faircloth - Joe Firstman - David Floyd - Flyweb - 4th Ward - JJ Freire - Fubar - Fuego Lento - Scott Garapolo - Russ Gardner -
Jay Garrigan - Bill Gerhardt - Matt Glassmeyer - godmanradio - Gongzilla - Jackie Gore - Erik Gothberg - Go There - Grassroots Leadership -
The Green Bottle Dawgs - Griffy Rhodes - Grin Kids - Guitars In The Sky -
Elaine Hager - Matt Hankle -George Hamilton, IV - Gordon Hann -
The Hardsoul Poets - Jeff Hartman - Eugene Hash - Eric Hastings -
Jason Hausman - Bruce Hazel -Kelly Hebblethwaite - Henry Hoo -
Emily Higgins - Jacob Hilbert - Hipshack - Hollywood Red -
Hot Rod Grease Lightning - Dan Hood - Jamie Hoover -Seth Horan -
Lindsey Horne - Byron House - The Houston Brothers - Benji Hughes -
Hunter's Travesty - Ishi - Jazz Composers Forum - The Jazz Disciples -
Jipse - General Johnson - Jolene - Chris Jones - Marti Jones -
The Jongleurs
- Joshua's Whisper - JS3 - Junque Gallery - Just For Tonight - Justincase - Si Kahn - Alan Kaufman - John P. Kee -
Wink Keziah and Delux Motel -Frank Kimbrough - The Kind - Jordan Klemons - Jonathan Kreisberg -Lake Norman Charter School - Lambhandler - Chad Lawson - Lefty -Barbara Lewis - Jeff Lisenby - LoLo Records - LoNote Records -
Bon Lozaga - Bayou Butch Lucas - Mark Lynch - Jimmy Mack - David Mallette - Donnie Marshall - Alex Martin - Mark Maxwell - Scott McCloud - Mego -
Jon Metzger - Omar Mims - Eytan Mirsky - Mobius Band - Othello Molineaux - Joe Monagle -The Moody Brothers - The Morris Family - Mr. Groove -
Naked Jazz - NCM East - Aris Quiroga Nieto - Bill Noonan - George Noriega -
NC Central University Jazz Ensembles - Nute - Odie Rumpus - John O'Gorman - Jeff O'Kelley - Ol'VW - One Big Love - Opera Carolina - Out From Under - Overmountain Men - Rhonda Pangle - Kevin Peeples - Megan Peeler - Pen15 - Vaughan Penn - The Pink Ponies - Scoot Pittman - Playroom Records -
Poprocket - Kroy Presley - The Public Good - Jamie Propp - Ziad Rabia - Lauren Rainey - Relayer - Renaissance - Calvin Richardson - Claire Ritter - Royce Robinson - Romo Records - Round Two - Scott Routenburg -
The Rude Mechanicals -Daryle Ryce - Scott Sawyer -
Jason Scavone and the Noises Ten -Scott Jeffrey's Band - Steve Scully -
Jes Seda - Al Sergel - The Session - Shalini - Len "Boogsie" Sharp -
Rodney Shelton - John Shaughnessy - SHU - Sick Sanity - Side One - David Silden - Mitchell Similton - Sinclair - Arthur Smith - Chris Smith -
SOBE Blue - Erica Somer-Dudley - Something So Far - Soul Station -
Kenny Soule - South 85 - Southern Express - The Spongetones -
Rick Spreitzer -Standing Count - Mark Stallings - Static... - Kevin Stevens -
Still Life Static - Mark Stuart - Stone's Throw - Straight Drive -
Mike Strauss - Adam Sullivan - Brian Sullivan - Sunshone Still -
Jason Sutter - Swampdawamp - Temperence League - Tesser -
Thacker Dairy Road - Jon Thornton - The Ticket - Time Sawyer -
David Tomaloff -Top Shelf Records - Ed Toth - The Traveling Public -
Trouble Walkers -Omar Tyree - 200 Joules - Ublisch - UNC-CH Jazz Ensembles -
UNCG Jazz Ensembles - The VanDeleckis - Phyllis Van Hoy - David Via -
Virgo Musik - Viva Klezmer - The Wax Gurus - Karl Louis Weismantel -
Joe Whelon - White Chocolate - Bobby Wilkinson - The Williams Family -
Israel Williamson - Wishbone - Eddie Z - Don Zientara - Mike Zinna -
Adam Zimmon - Joe Zook